Listservs for Postdocs

When you first join UCSF as a postdoc, you are automatically included on several postdoc-specific listservs. These listservs are designed to help you connect with the vibrant UCSF postdoc community by sharing information and requesting support from your peers. Timely and important information on events, seminars and funding opportunities are also published regularly to these lists.

You may find that you want to change your subscriptions from time to time as you progress through your training at UCSF. Continue reading to learn more about information for each listserv, view the directions for contributing, and manage your subscriptions.

Manage My Listserv Subscriptions

Five UCSF postdocs in their environments connected by orange squares and lines

Seminars and Events for Postdocs

Description: Use this list to announce scholarly seminars, workshops, and conferences for postdocs. Examples include:

  • Departmental and scholarly seminars
  • Professional development workshops
  • Conferences inviting UCSF postdoc applications

List address: POSTDOCSEMINAR at

Funding Opportunities for Postdocs

Description: Use this list to share fellowship and funding opportunities for postdocs. Examples include:

  • Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
  • Grant announcements inviting applications from UCSF postdocs

List address: POSTDOCFUNDING at

Reagents, Protocols, and Resources

Description: Use this list to post informal community messages and requests. Examples include:

  • Requests for reagents or equipment
  • Seeking advice on experiments or protocols
  • Sharing resources (social, housing, community, research) with other UCSF postdocs

List address: PSANET at

Community-Building Events, Job Listings, and Announcements

Description: Use this list to share opportunities for postdocs, market community-building activities, and share postdoc accomplishments. Examples include:

  • Sharing job opportunities
  • Advertising postdoc accomplishments
  • Marketing social campus events that include UCSF postdocs

List address: PSALIST at

Contributing to a listserv

You are encouraged to contribute to any of the listservs that serve the UCSF postdoc community. You may want to share an event or opportunity, ask a question, or volunteer some scientific advice.

To post:

Send your message directly to the list address.

For example: if you have an announcement for an upcoming workshop, email your message to POSTDOCSEMINAR at


  • Choose the listserv that best matches the content of your message.
  • Each list is moderated. If you are having issues sending your message, you can email us.
  • Listservs are limited to the UCSF community. You must use a @UCSF.EDU email to contribute to any of the postdoc listservs. Messages sent to any of the listservs from personal email addresses will be rejected.
  • Messages are reviewed for distribution during business hours only.
  • Messages must be less than 4MB in total size.